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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  August 1, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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real big deals this week and every week. 3q try resolve easy clean to deep clean your carpets. just 3 easy steps for beautifully clean carpets. it removes 3 times more dirt than vacuuming alone. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean.
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>> >>darya: we have not heard the last of the checkoff fil a controversy-- are cassava -- arkansas gov. mike hockey or that -- how compete-- huckabee organize the event. people are going to
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patronize chic fil a today. >>mark: police are looking for this man. he the it is believed to be the former boyfriend of a lady is -- was shot in lady is -- was shot in >[ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: tonight, take it easy and enjoy your favorite soup, salad and hot, hearty sub. like the toasty big hot pastrami melt. get to your local subway for some dinnertime deliciousness tonight. subway. eat fresh. back in '08, we didn't have these u-verse wireless receivers that let you move the tv around wherever. no siree, bob. who's bob?
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and if you didn't have a tv outlet, well then you couldn't watch diddly-squat. you talk a lot. you have no idea how good you have it. that's not working. [ grunts ] [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver, only from at&t. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on.
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isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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>>darya: all new health insurance plans have to provide preventative health care benefits for women for free. >> and cancelling for domestic violence, screaming -- screened for hiv. and others. >> we put our own health last. the regular checkups and screens that are so important to stay healthy
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into easy to put off. >>darya: this is keen to -- not all women will be eligible for that. some of the insurance plans already have an agreement to that. >>mark: the water levels swept 4 ft. over the freeway there. you can see the rescue crew here. >>darya: that is intense thought at the flash floods prevented a lot of people from getting through. this is near phoenix.
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they had flooding in one area and they said it was 2 in. of rain in just one hour. >>james: maybe you are overcome with the heat that we have been having. in has been hot. there is no mistake about it. here is a live look from mt. tam. there is a cloud cover around area. if you drive 20 minutes in any direction will probably run into something different. right now and we are temperatures are in the '50s with a few '60s around the
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area. santa rosa is a cool spot with 49 degrees. are temperatures later on today come at at 12:00 noon you will see a mix of '70s and '80s. we will quickly see the 90s and the inland valley to the east primarily but a few spots and the south. in it 8:00 p.m. we will have a cool evening. here are today's highs. antioch and livermore will
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be 95 to greece today which will be our hot spots. for the next few days. there will be minimal for all -- minimal fall the clear in the afternoons and then the weekend days will be cooler. >>george: we are still looking at a great ride around the bay area. we are not tracking and hot spots. here is a look at the bay bridge. the metering lights just came on in the last few minutes pin it is starting to back up a bit.
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this >> tale bridge has no problems. and your golden gate bridge commute is a problem free. is still 17 minutes for your west bound 80. southbound interstate 680 is also 16 to 17 minute drive time. no delays in is for teen minute >> everything is still very clear. >>mark: there is going to be eggs cracked down on people who do not what
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across the street here in the crosswalks. >>darya: a lawsuit is happening in the case of can that harding. the lawsuit accuses the police of failing to provide medical care after he was wounded. a the word >> in a reward is offered for a fourth suspect in the shooting. >>mark: a professor is in
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jail after setting fire in his son's high school. the was spotted darting fires at the spot where his son was killed. he faces more than 10 years in prison >>darya: the police officer the pepper spray the protesters at uc davis is no longer employed. the university spokesperson
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at will not say whether he was fired acquit. they accused him of misusing the pepper spray. the spray what it -- was a higher pressure than is normally provided. >>mark: in may and on cape cod was body surfing and was attacked by a shark. the man has 80 puncture wounds, full of four on each leg. witnesses say they saw the sharks circling the man before the attack. >>darya: we will be right back. in here is a look from our roof camera in irian
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>>darya: this author died last night with complications of pneumonia. he is known for books,
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politics, sex and religion. >>mark: a united airlines plane hit a bird. it was landing. the nose of the airplanes struck the bird. it was not far away from the windshiled. they did say that the impact did not affected the flight of the plane. no one was injured. >>mark: a passenger on an air canada flight head a
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problem with this image. the fbi and dutch authorities are still investigating needles found in six damages. >>darya: now might be a good time to go on vacation. the c e l of fair compair .com say that the fares will drop a the end of august. -- this the ego of fair compared not come here >>mark: we'll be right back. will be waiting for the opening bell in just a few minutes. opening bell in just a few minutes. !!building pass, corporate card, verizon 4g lte phone.
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>>mark: welcome back. you can see the opening of wall street. adp the inflame the company said there has been an increase of place pin >>darya: let's contains the weather. ranging from the '60s at the coast of the way up to the mid-90s. we are looking for a mild weekend. we will see it start to cool on friday but it will really grab hold of us on saturday and sunday. the sketch and george for
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commute. >>george: it is a nice ride to san francisco on cross town freeways. 580 and highway 4 are the only to highways and have any traffic on the right now. >>mark: severance is the police -- san francisco police are looking for two men and is this is near highway 101. will tran is on the scene. >>will: there is a possibility that this might have been gang-related. here is video. i talked to the police department, and because they
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have had multiple shootings in alaska today is that they have to look into the possibility that this was targeted in. standing in front a building, two men walked up and fired shots and ran away. at this plant their and their descriptions of the suspects. we did it do know that they fled in a carpet the-car >> i can tell you the one man died at the scene the other was rushed to the hospital and is fighting for his life. >>mark: he was the shooting on monday afternoon with the two men were shot and killed. ithey were killed 115 on
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monday afternoon after a fight broke out between two groups of people. >>justine: we are falling out a structure and that is on the fire right now and martinezm is happened then4891 kendo court. kindal court. after we have more information we will update you. >>darya: a vietnamese restaurant has been close do
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to health issues. the andersons they plan on making major improvements to the restaurant. >> i get got food poisoning as i was told from the rise. >> said it is no surprise that their clothes for health violations? no pi >>mark: a california man was trying to smuggle met in fetid mean into japan and snickers bars. -- meth anfedimines into
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japan inside a snickers bar. authorities estimate that the drug would be worth to under $50,000. >> >>darya: president obama as an ally of. -- ohio nit romney is spending the day in his campaign headquarters in boston. >> they are reviewing the tax cuts. the democrats want to walk
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extend the tax cuts only to families and make a to under $50,000 but the republicans want to provide tax cuts for every one. >>mark: here's a look outside. we will be back any minute. outside. we will be back any minute. take the gamble out of stain removal. only resolve all-stains has two formula chambers, to remove all types of stains. using shout or oxiclean? that's just playing the odds. don't chance it, resolve it. see a resolve difference or it's free.
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>> test
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>>darya: welcome back is. there is to amend involved in the shooting last night. this is around san bruno ave. a possible federal takeover of the oakland police department says that the city has not moved quickly enough over the occupied protests situation. >> for the first time in its history the u.s. postal service is expected to default for a $5.5 billion
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loan from the government. >>mark: we keep our eyes on wall street with our fans a financial expert rob black. we had several companies come out this morning. comcast said again numbers. billion of income. comcast is telling us that americans are cutting the cord but a me there is saying that is not true. for as much talk as there is about mobile, comcast is doing pretty good.
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i'm in the hundred and $60 cable bill situation i'm pretty much up there. out >>mark: let's talk about a month. avon got hammered. >>rob: they're probably going out of business. maybe we need to call 20 year old on. now what is happening is this sex parties rarely girls are getting together and talking about adult toys. people in the 20's and '30's are not getting
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married there dealing in and sex is more an important. they care less about how they look and more about how they feel. >>mark: let's move on to master card. there is saying the deal was pending. >>rob: commercial rates will be really interesting >> mastercard and visa i like the companies. >>mark: you would think
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would pay helping iran for a while the that has that happened quicker pin. >>rob: it's because mastercard and visa aren't you strong. i n shares of these that i suggest of the people own shares and he said. my hairdresser takes everything on square right now and swipes people's credit cards in >>darya: let's schedule james for the weather we are looking back at san francisco. rays hitting the building. it is on the cool side.
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here's your daily planner. temperatures are on the mild side. we're looking at 55-58 on the average. by 12:00 noon we are looking for a mostly sunny skies. it will be warm in land around 80. by 3:00 p.m. we are seeing the inland temperatures being in the '80s and '90s. that is what we're seeing in terms of the weather for today couldn't your 7 day around the bay says that tomorrow will listen want to today. friday we will begin to cool down a little bit. and then saturday and sunday it will breezy in cooler with our inland highs
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only in the low 80s. let's get an update on the traffic. >>george: there are big changes in the bay bridge pin the back up reaches almost to the 80 over cross. we've added about five minutes to the ride. at your best approach to the bridges still and the nimitz freeway >> your ride to the same tier brands still looks good to it only changes here if there is a major problem here your ride to the golden gate bridge looks good. your problem free uncrosses been here as jackson commute times in 80 west bound is due to 19 minutes. is still a good ride through the san ramon valley pit/
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/101 north bound the drive wow,
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look at this bed! this nightstand! this wardrobe! what are you doing here? you're in ikea. my dream bedroom is in ikea? yes. what's that bedroom over there? that's your husband's dream bedroom.
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whatever your style, take home your dream bedroom together. ikea. the life improvement store. spending and the red this morning are >> and according to see an cinco de bryant's wife is
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not happy after seeing his picture. michael phelps is the most decorated a limping and in u.s. history. president brought obama wrote a tweet to phelps. an arrest warrant was issued when he pushed somebody in a bar yesterday morning pin if you and talk about what is trending this morning is a me on my facebook rampage. coming up.
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we have more on this and the world according to gary when we return in just a minute.
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